David Ray Griffin - Mr. President the whole world knows 9/11 was a Lie, your credibility is going to be destroyed if you keep saying that America was attacked by muslims on 9/11.
"Alhaqqu mir Rabbika falaa takuunanna minal mumtariin = The Truth is from thy Lord; so be not at all in doubt = Kebenaran itu dari Rabbmu, karena itu janganlah sekali-kali engkau termasuk orang-orang yang ragu." (Al Baqarah: 147 juncto Ali 'Imraan: 60)
Kamis, 10 November 2011
Mr President The Whole World Knows 9/11 was a Lie
David Ray Griffin - Mr. President the whole world knows 9/11 was a Lie, your credibility is going to be destroyed if you keep saying that America was attacked by muslims on 9/11.
Bush Admits Lying to The Press
During his Nov. 8 press conference, Bush admitted that he lied to reporters when he told them a week before the midterm elections that Donald Rumsfeld would stay on through the end of Bush's second term.
In fact, Bush had already made the decision to replace Rumsfeld when he was talking to those reporters.
Bush Caught Lying About September 11th
Footage of George Bush lying flat out about the morning of 9/11! Why would he lie...
The Missile That Hit WTC 2 in Slow Motion
Total Proof No Planes Hit The Buildings on 9/11
9/11 Proof Of Used Laser Weapons - Part 3
9/11 Proof Of Used Laser Weapons - Part 2
9/11 Proof Of Used Laser Weapons - Part 1
New 9/11 Photos 'Prove WTC Exploded from Inside'
Israel Mossad Did 911 - BBC Alan Hart
Israel Did 9/11 - All the Proof in The World
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