Rabu, 09 November 2011

Global Pulse - Is the Pope to Blame - Sex Abuse and The Catholic Church

(April 2, 2010) Cases of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in Europe echo decade-old events in the U.S. - but the Vatican has responded very differently. As evidence is revealed that shows the Pope may have been a part of the scandal, should something have been learned from the American experience?

Christian Persecution in Ancient Rome

The Christians Thrown To The Lions

Early Christians Fed To The Lions

Early Church Martyrs

Vast Majority Of Victims Were Postpubescent That's Not Pedophilia! Bill Donohue pt.3

Vast Majority Of Victims Were Postpubescent That's Not Pedophilia! Bill Donohue pt.2

Vast Majority Of Victims Were Postpubescent That's Not Pedophilia! Bill Donohue pt.1

Mysterious Power Down at WTC Days Before 9_11

Radio interview with WTC employee Scott Forbes who says that there was an unusual power down in the top half of the WTC with suspicious workers coming in and out of building.

Dr. Maurice Bucaille: "Why I'm Muslim"